Take A Tip Tuesday, Moving Checking List For Your First Night In Your Ascension Parish Home.

Checklist: What You Need Your First Night In Your New Home.


The first night in a new home is super exciting but also hectic. We tend to forget about the little things when the boxes start arriving that we will need. Here is a checklist of items that you should have with you as soon as you get the keys to your new home.

The Must Haves

  1. Toilet paper
  2. hand soap
  3. toothpaste
  4. tooth brushes
  5. bedding
  6. clean towels
  7. clean clothes for the next day (just in case you can’t find your clothing boxes)

For the Kids

  1. A full complete diaper bag
  2. Sleep wear and a change of clothes
  3. soft blankets and or sleeping bag
  4. night-light
  5. a small amount of toys
  6. coloring books and crayons
  7. DVD portable for watching movies


  1. Crackers and chip’s
  2. Plastic utensils
  3. Paper towels and napkins
  4. Take out menu’s of local restaurants
  5. Granola bars and breakfast type foods
  6. A cooler full of ice
  7. COFFEE Maker and all the items to make that magical brew. (coffee cups)
  8. Any pet food, pet beds and chew toy for your fur babies
  9. Bottled water

Thing’s you didn’t think of.

  1. Hammer and picture nails
  2. Trash bags
  3. Kitchen scissors
  4. Screwdrivers
  5. Flash light
  6. Chargers for all your devices you carry
  7. Pen and paper
  8. Sharpie markers (keep them from the kids, lol)
  9. Checkbook
  10. Important documents like birth certificates and social security cards.

These are just a few main things that I always carry with me when I move. Hopefully, this will help from not having to run out as soon as you walk into your new home. Congratulations! It’s now time to celebrate.

Because YOU  Matter

Kristina Smallhorn 

Your Real Estate Whisperer

eXp Realty LLC



Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149





Take A Tip Tuesday- Not So Smart, Smart Products In Ascension Parish


Smart Products Are Not Always So SMART When Comes To Your Ascension Parish Home.

We are addicted to home products that will make our lives easier. Smart homes are trending here in Ascension Parish. People in the area have been rushing to stores to find the right “Smart” products to make their home not only easier for them to live in but also be more appealing to home buyers that are on the fence about a newer smart home over older technology.

Below, I’ve listed some products that really didn’t make the grade for being “Smart” for your Ascension Parish home.

I’m Not Forking Around.

Nice silverware is in most homes in Ascension Parish, but this product has got to be the dumbest idea yet. The smart fork!?!, Seriously, this thing supposedly monitors your eating habits, then lets you know that you’ve eaten too much. Click this link to preview this “not so smart” fork.

Paranoid About A Cheating Loved One?

A cheating significant other is no laughing matter, but to go to the lengths of buying a mattress that lets you know if he or she has been rolling around in your bed seems a bit too far. There are much better methods than making this kind of investment. If you are worried about your lover in Ascension Parish and want to look into how this mattress works, here’s the link.


Hate Cleaning Your Grill?

I mean we love our outdoor barbecues here in Ascension Parish. I think we spend more time outside our home than inside during LSU football season, so this product seems like a pretty stupid one to me, but you may have a need if you think cleaning your grill is a daunting task. Here’s the link if you’d like to check it out.


Mirror, Mirror On The Wall.

For the very vain in Ascension Parish, you can not only stare at yourself in the mirror, but you can also post all your magnificent features to all your social media accounts. To really feed your narcissistic tendencies, you need the “Selfie Mirror” – a product that really makes people fall more in love with themselves. I kid you not, it’s a real product http://selfiemirror.me/. I do know a couple of Ascension Parish residents that would love this for Christmas, If you were thinking me, I already have 3, so you can take it off the Christmas Gift idea list.

When The Sound Of The Flush Is Too Much.

Believe it or not, they have come out with a toilet that has Bluetooth technology, so you can really work with the acoustic sound of the space by piping in your favorite Justin Bieber tune via connection to your toilet. It’s not a cheap though. Kohler has one for $5,625.00. Not only is the price point just plain stupid for something that really should be an in and out kind of process, it goes way beyond dumb for most residents of Ascension Parish since we are a much more practical community. You don’t believe me about this? check out this link. https://goo.gl/rgWzwR.

I hope you get a kick out of these ridiculous “Smart” products. If you’d like more information on what “Smart” items would be to upgrade your home, please feel free to reach out to me. All of my contact information is listed below.

“Because YOU Matter”

Kristina Smallhorn
Your Real Estate Whisperer
eXp Realty LLC
Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149

What Should I Do With My Pet’s When I Have A Showing?

What Should I Do With My Pet’s When I Have A Showing?

Let me start off by saying I LOVE animals. It doesn’t matter to me, from reptile to bird, dog or cat all of them I think of as a friend some of these animals don’t look at me in the same way. Over the years I have encountered some not so friendly animals. Most recently I tried to enter a home to be greeted by a mid-size mixed breed hound that was showing his teeth as the key slipped into the tumbler. The buyers and I agreed that we wouldn’t be taking a tour of that home that day. Too bad the sellers missed out on an opportunity to sell their home. So that brings me to my point of this blog post. What do you do with your beloved pets in Ascension Parish when you have a showing?

Pet Sitter? Is That Even A Thing?

Yes, Its is. Many veterinarian offices board your animals for the day and some dog grooming places as well. You can also ask around you’d be surprised at how many people know of someone who does this. The best reference to get is from someone who’s used them before.

To Crate or Not To Crate


If you have an old cat or dog that lazily walks around the house and really doesn’t bother you, you may think it’s ridiculous to put them in a crate but some people are truly frightened by animals and may just walk out of the home as soon as the see your precious fur baby. My best advice if you can’t really shell out the money to board your animal is to crate them during a showing. Most people put the crate in a laundry room or utility room so it doesn’t distract from the showing.

***Keep in mind if your animals are aggressive and can pose a danger to anyone you can be liable if your animal attacks anyone during the showing. It’s up to you the seller to handle your animals prior to confirmed showings.***



Many of your friends love your animals as much as you do. You can always ask a friend to pick up your pets for the times of the showing. You can always ask your agent for a window of time before the showing so either you or your friend can take care of the animals prior to the showing.

On A Side Note- The Nose Knows Everything

You may not think your home has a pet odor but people who do not like animals or do not have them can smell them immediately. Please clean your cat’s little box daily, the same goes for birdcage liners and the doggy dropping in the yard. Nobody even animal lovers likes having your pet poop on their foot after taking in your large backyard.



One Last Thing


Before you list your home you may want to check all to see if your fur babies have chewed or scratched any wood or painted areas. Nothing screams deferred maintenance like a backdoor that the door has ruined by an animal that includes the weather stripping as well. (I don’t know why animals love chewing and scratching at it)

Hopefully, these tips will help you out on deciding what to do with your animals.

“Because YOU matter

Kristina Smallhorn
Your Real Estate Whisperer
eXp Realty LLC
Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149

41493 Creekstone Ave. Prairieville LA Has Been Re-Listed!


I take a new client, Kobra the Doga instructor, to my newest listing in Prairieville Louisiana, 41493 Creekstone Ave. MLS #2017009659.

Screen Shot 2017-07-10 at 9.15.52 AM


To view more details and schedule a showing of this home visit this link, https://goo.gl/vGAnbE


“Because YOU Matter”

Kristina Smallhorn
Your Real Estate Whisperer
eXp Realty LLC
Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149




Ascension Parish Coffee Talk #17- Help Save Ali’s Sweet Shoppe!

I’ve always had a soft spot for young people taking life by the horns and trying to make a business at an early age. I met just that person this week, Ali Duplessis of Ali’s Sweet Shoppe, opened a Sno-Ball stand right outside the Tanger Mall in Ascension Parish. This twenty-one-year-old woman took her idea, own money and bought herself a Sno-Ball stand. She carefully made sure to get the proper license, approvals and lease from the Tanger Mall so she could be located right where the action is. As you know, It gets hot going from shop to shop around the Tanger Mall and she had the wherewithal to set up her Sno-Ball stand and do it the right way. Hours after opening her first day, she was approached to shut down the stand, told she wasn’t allowed to have it at the location she was given permission to be at but they would give her a special pass for a few days to find a new location.

Ali had made her business plan early on and made sure she would have the location she desired the correct way. Only to be shut down a few hours into opening because someone else had made a mistake, This is a costly mistake for a young girl just starting off in business but the part that burns my hide is that she made sure prior to putting up the stand. She HAD planned ahead, she did all the right things but that didn’t matter.

My goal for this young entrepreneur is for the people of Ascension Parish to rally for Ali’s Sweet Shoppe so Ali will be able to keep the location she worked hard to get in the first place. Please Share this video with everyone you know so they can help her save her location. We are counting on YOU Ascension Parish.

“Because YOU Matter”

Kristina Smallhorn
Your Real Estate Whisperer
eXp Realty LLC
Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149
https://www.instagram.com/prairievillerealestate/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH0LUzFvtwb5B8EfVCF5uwg




Ascension Parish Coffee Talk #17, Louisiana Fireworks, Gonzales LA

The Fourth of July is quickly approaching so I stopped into one of my favorite local Ascension Parish’s firework stores, Louisiana Fireworks!, located right off Hwy 44 in Gonzales (Close to the Lowe’s Hardware Store) 


Tim Tullier was kind enough to show me around some of his top-selling fireworks as he describes how some of them fire off, He also tells of several safety tips to keep you and your family safe this year and years to come.

I’ve added the safety tips from the Nation Council of Firework Safety below, this came directly from their website at fireworkssafety.org

                                                                  “Because YOU Matter”

4th cover


                                Recommended Safety Tips

  1. Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks.
  2. Know your fireworks; read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting.
  3. A responsible adult SHOULD supervise all firework activities.  Never give fireworks to children.
  4. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix.  Save your alcohol for after the show.
  5. Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks.
  6. Light one firework at a time and then quickly move away.
  7. Use fireworks OUTDOORS in a clear area; away from buildings and vehicles.
  8. Never relight a “dud” firework.  Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water.
  9. Always have a bucket of water and charged water hose nearby.
  10. Never carry fireworks in your POCKET or shoot them into METAL or GLASS containers.
  11. Do not experiment with homemade fireworks.
  12. Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them down and place in a metal trash can away from any building or combustible materials until the next day.
  13. FAA regulations PROHIBIT the possession and transportation of fireworks in your checked baggage or carry-on luggage.
  14. Report illegal explosives, like M-80s and quarter sticks, to the fire or police department.
  15. And let’s not forget the safety of our pets!
  16. Don’t bring your pets to a fireworks display, even a small one.
  17. If fireworks are being used near your home, put your pet in a safe, interior room to avoid exposure to the sound.
  18. Make sure your pet has an identification tag, in case it runs off during a fireworks display.
  19. Never shoot fireworks of any kind (consumer fireworks, sparklers, fountains, etc.) near pets.

© The National Council on Fireworks Safety, Inc. ● 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006

Kristina Smallhorn 

Your Real Estate Whisperer

“Because YOU Matter”

eXp Realty LLC



Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149





new cover EXP

Ascension Parish Coffee Talk #14- Droop!


Ascension Parish Coffee Talk #14 – Droop.

Mark Taylor started a Facebook Fan Page sometime back in 2009. This page started out as an admiration for the man they call Droop and ended up turning into something much bigger. Fans from across the world have liked the page. People posting Droop sightings throughout the Parish. Occasionally snapping a picture of him at the local Wal-Mart or just riding along Black Bayou Rd. Over the years the page kind of took on a life of its own. Droop has gotten older and he is not able to get around as well as he used to. After a car accident in July of 2016 many people in the Parish heard about Droop being hit by a car. The Parish rallied around their beloved Droop; getting him a recliner chair and other supplies he may need while he recovered.

What I love about our community of Ascension Parish is our ability to see the humility in people. We as a community truly care and show this to Droop when he is in need. With the help of Mark Taylor’s, Facebook Fan Page and the caring members of our community Droop over the years has received a new bike, t-shirts and even a snowball or two from some young kids who were passing by.

You may or may not see the man who rides his bike almost daily, collecting cans or just taking a tour of his beloved Ascension Parish. Never bothering a soul, just living his life in the simplest way, earning money on his daily bike adventures. But if you do see him, make sure you shoot a wave and a smile it will surely make his day.

Thank you, Mark Taylor, for continuing to help out Droop and further the page along over the years. I know you never wanted to make the Droop Facebook Page about you but you sure have made it something that everyone in Ascension Parish can smile about. Just another reason why these simple acts of kindness make me love the Parish of Ascension.

“Because YOU Matter”
Kristina Smallhorn
Your Real Estate Whisperer
eXp Realty LLC
Office (225) 412-9982 ext# 149


new cover EXP